"The Tightrope Walker"

"The Tightrope Walker" by Jean-Louis Forain

Monday, June 13, 2011

Birthday Wishes Come True?

My Friday Five last week was a list of birthday wished.  Read on to see which wishes were granted!
  1. For the weather to be nice enough to enjoy a dinner date on a patio. Check!
  2. A new flirty top for said dinner date. Nope, but not without trying.  JD and girls only gave me a small a gift in the hopes that I would have a mini-shopping spree on my own, but I just couldn't find anything I loved enough to buy.  Fun trying though!
  3. To sleep late Sunday, and I mean to actually sleep and not lie in bed awake listening to the girls downstairs. Check!  Slept until after 10 am, thank you!
  4. Chai latte, please.  Check!
  5. Hoping for a homemade birthday card accompanied by the singing of "Happy Birthday" from my girlies.  Check!  Home made card and lots of "Happy Birthday Mama!"
All in all it was a lovely birthday.  I spend the day with the girls and then JD took me out for a date night.  It turned out to be the strangest and funnest date night ever!  First, burgers and beers on a patio.  Then, glow in the dark mini-putt which was hilarious!  After two rounds of mini-putt JD took me shopping...at the grocery store.  Nothing like buying $5, 100% cotton tees, kleenex and allergy medicine all in one spot.  Gotta love Joe Fresh!  Next a stop for dessert at a yummy coffee shop and finally a movie cuddled-up on the couch.  Simple, but lots of really great time together.  This is the kind of birthday I'd like every year!  Thanks JD, and love ya!

P.S. Only negative this darn runny nose, sore throat and plugged up ears.  Spent most of today in bed feeling miserable.  :-{

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