"The Tightrope Walker"

"The Tightrope Walker" by Jean-Louis Forain

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Goes Thump in the Night?

Toddlers do, of course!  We have (tentatively) passed another milestone at house by converting Molly's crib to a day bed.  I can't at all remember how old Sophie was when we started the process of moving her to a 'big girl bed', but I'm certain she wasn't under the age of two.  I don't even really think Molly is ready for this yet!  That said, Molly's thunder-wonderous thighs decided otherwise.

Molly is the most wiggly, flippy, thump-in-the-night, turn-in-my-sleep toddler I have ever met.  The consequences of being such a physically active sleeper are two-fold:  her own banging and thumping was waking her up in the night and (more frustrating) she was waking up with her legs pushed through the crib rails up to her thighs, and of course stuck.  And I'm talking stuck!  Stuck so that she cried when she woke to find her leg with restricted blood-flow, stuck so she cried when I tried to extract her leg and stuck so that I was pretty sure I was going to have to cut the rails to free her!  After a few mornings (and nights) of finding her in this predicament (and feeling a few moments of panic as her shrieks became more intense) we decided that maybe it was time to test the day bed with the intention of moving her to a real bed.

Feeling brave one day last week, off the side rail came and down for a nap Molly went.  Success!  She slept peacefully, stayed in bed, did NOT get any limbs stuck and called me when she woke.  The night thumping seems to have stopped and thankfully she hasn't fallen out of bed either.  We are now almost at the end of a week of day bed sleeping and everything is great.  We've put a gate across her bedroom door so Molly can NOT travel the hallway/stairwell/bathroom.  When she wakes she does one of two things - gets a book and goes back to bed (my kind of girl) or comes to the gate in her doorway and calls for us. 

Easy, right?  Can we be this lucky?  Can we have a big milestone like this pass with out a battle, tears, temper tantrums or screaming (and I'm talking about me here)?  Yes, we can!  I know it is early in the transition, but I'm having a bit of a proud and successful parenting moment.  I am also going to gloat and wallow in this moment for weeks, maybe even months, since I know our next milestone is potty training.  Yikes!

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