"The Tightrope Walker"

"The Tightrope Walker" by Jean-Louis Forain

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Social Scene.

Just like everyone else I know I am connected socially over the internet with lots of friends and family.  I have a social networking account, multiple email accounts and of course this blog.  Lately I've been thinking a lot about how much time we all spend connecting online compared to how much time we spend actually in a room with each other - and of course the balance between the two is a little out of whack.  So for a while now I've been considering shutting down some of my online life.  Of course giving up this blog was out of the question because it has become strangely therapeutic, email is a must for work, and all that leaves is social networking. 

Every time I started to consider "deactivating" my account I talked myself out of it because I might lose contact with this friend or that, I wouldn't get to see pictures of some of my friend's kids, my family is spread far and wide, and on and on the excuses go.  Then, over the last week or so I received a couple of questionable "Friend Requests" on the social networking site that I suspect may be related to supply teaching.

I obviously declined these unknown friendship requests.  I realize I will never know for sure if my suspicion is right, but if these students found me others can and that is the last thing I want.  So, at least for now, I've deactivated my account.

The great thing is that I kind of feel good about being disconnected.  I'm not trying to avoid my friends or family by any means, but I'm looking forward to being more proactive about seeking these important people out rather than passively, staring at the computer screen to find out what's new.  This all may be very short lived (since I'm very much addicted), but at least for today I've closed the "Book".  Hope to SEE everyone soon!

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