"The Tightrope Walker"

"The Tightrope Walker" by Jean-Louis Forain

Friday, July 8, 2011

It's okay Honey, I'll do that.....too!

Skipping Friday Five this week because I need to get this one of my chest.  Imagine the scene that follows and then tell me, what would you have done?

You've just finished cleaning and tidying the kitchen.  The dishwasher has been emptied and refilled, and dinner is just getting under way.  Enter the husband, just home from work.

Husband is buzzing around and trying to get out of the house with friends in under an hour.  You leave the kitchen for a moment to return and find his dirty lunch containers sitting on the counter.  Not just sitting on the counter, but sitting on the counter directly on top of the dishwasher that you just emptied and now is half full with dirty dishes.  What do you do?

If you are me you start putting the containers in the dishwasher and as you do so you say (in a sickly sweet voice) to your husband who is now eating a sandwich in the living room, "It's okay Honey, I'll put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher that I just emptied and filled.  You know those dirty dishes that you left in the middle of the kitchen counter where I'm making dinner.  No problem Sweetheart!"

He says, "What's that?"

"Nothing Darling.  I'm just being a jerk!"

He says, "I thought so!"


Again, you leave the kitchen to return and now find his dirty sandwich plate and milk cup sitting on the counter.  What do you do?

a)  Do nothing.  He is such a great husband that it just doesn't mater.

b)  Put the dishes in the dishwasher and tell him how much you love him.

c)  Put the dishes in the dishwasher and sarcastically tell him how much you love tidying up his dirty dishes for the first 15 minutes he is home because you have nothing better to do.

d)  Just leave.  Walk out the front door, get a chai latte and wait until the latte is gone before deciding whether or not you are going back.

So, what would you do?  I seriously considered (d) but settled on (c) because he is generally a great husband and I do love him.  But honest to goodness, is it really that hard to put dishes in the damn washer?


  1. I'd do all the above, simultaneously. Then he'd see how not putting the dishes away makes you "crazy" and maybe he'll start doing it just to avoid another psychotic episode.

  2. Following you back from www.mama-press.blogspot.com.
    I would do a...I would put his dishes away and not say anything. I've learned we must choose our battles. My husband is wonderful and is an extremely hard worker. Putting his dirty dishes in the dishwasher is just not his thing, but I don't mind because he does a ton of stuff that is just not "my thing." If one's husband is comp,Steph lazy though in most respects, thenhed need a kick in the butt!

  3. Ah Tracy, you are a better woman than I! As we know I did (c) and then shared his mis-step with all of you. :-)

  4. I can totally relate. I think I've actually done all of the above depending on my state of mind that day. On my best days I do the dishes, calm down, and then tell him how I feel when he leaves a mess. But you know what he always says - no matter how I handle it?

    "I was going to do it." Yeah....right. :)

  5. I'm with Rachel. I say, keep it fresh! Mix it up!

    (Can't tell you the number of times per day that option D calls to me!)

  6. Lol, I lived through this moment this past weekend. When my man leaves dirty towels or his clothes lying around I pile them up on his pillow or favorite chair. Maybe I should start adding the dishes to the pile as well! Love your blog, so honest. I found you on Voiceboks, look forward to reading more!

  7. You just gotta love Rachel sometimes :)

    2 choices for me here. Do it and say nothing, or don't do it and say, "Babe, I just did all that kitchen stuff. I'd really appreciate it if you'd clean up after yourself. ya know, teach the kids by example!"

    Sharon from VB

  8. I don't live with him, but possibly this could help... "Major on the majors; minor on the minors?"

  9. Oh ladies, thanks for all the comments! My dear husband drives me crazy, but I've come to the realization that I drive him just as crazy! I think it is what you would call a "wash". Funny how relationships bring so much joy and so much hair-pulling-out-madness all at the same time! lol :-)

  10. Hey there Sadie. You have such a sweet heart, it comes through in your posts and in your efforts to handle this with grace. I'm with MrsMom6 as far as what I'd do. I also am married to a wonderful husband, so those are the only two options whereby we can honor one another. ;D

    But I'd never say, "Nothing honey. I'm just being a jerk." Your loves one's response tells me that he might be used to such self-deprecating words. Honor - bring it to all relationships, including that one inside your head.

    God's peace,

  11. Thanks for the comment Shyla. At our house sarcasm runs rampant and this type of banter is regular for us. No hurt feelings, just getting out our irritation. Thanks again, Sadie
