"The Tightrope Walker"

"The Tightrope Walker" by Jean-Louis Forain

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy to be Home!

Well, home from our mini vacation and glad to be here.  Holidays are always wonderful, but I've come to realize after this little trip that they are wrought with irony.  For our three-day adventure I was so looking forward to a break in the routine - beach, sun, nice meals out...then the irony of it all.

The forecast for our few days away was hot, hot and more hot.  With no air conditioning at home I was looking forward to sleeping in a cool hotel with luxurious bedding.  The irony is that the air conditioning was so loud it kept us up most of the night and the bedding was luxurious, but it just wasn't MY bed.  Why is it that even in the most luxurious bed away from home all we can think of is sleeping in our own familiar beds?

The meals out were a nice treat too, but of course the irony of a nice meal out is the expense and for some reason eating out for a few days always makes me feel 10 lbs heavier.  (Okay perhaps I did put on a solid 5 lbs in 3 days, but it does feel more like 10!)  Yummy food, but hard on the pocketbook and the waistline.  The other irony of eating out is that as wonderful as it is to not prep food, clean dinner and to just be able to sit with your family, the kids are always batty.  I spent most of every meal trying to convince someone to sit, be quieter, eat or come out from under the table, but the food was good...10 lbs heavier good!

The beach was wonderful.  The kids had a great time and the weather was ideal, but the irony is all that sticky, scratchy sand.  It is such a pain to clean off and now it is all over the car and kitchen floor.  Fun that comes with a mess!

What about that beach prep?  I agonize over how to keep my hair looking half decent, does my swimsuit cover all the right bits, and are the bits that aren't covered too day-glow white or jiggly.  The irony is that when we get to the beach everyone is looking just about the same.  Then add sticky sand, sweat and a healthy dose of sunscreen and no one really looks attractive.  Perhaps they had it right just past the turn of the century, when bath costumes were more like modern mini-dresses.

The most ironic thing of all is that when we set out on Sunday JD and I were both looking forward to a break in the routine, but by Monday morning it was so clear that the break in routine was wreaking havoc on sleep patterns, meal time and generally naughty behaviour abounded.  Yes, we had a lovely time and I wouldn't give up that time together for anything; but, it sure is nice to be home.  There is something to be said for good, old everyday routine!

P.S.  And, no I'm not complaining especially if you read a few posts back when I was peeved by someone complaining about a holiday.  I'm just sayin' it is ironic how a vacation, a break in the routine, always makes us appreciate our everyday life!


  1. I can completely understand the irony of it all. I always dream of getting away and relaxing and shortly after I do, all I can do is dream about getting home and back into my comfortable bed, with my comfortable blanket, and my fan, and my routine. I'm glad you got away, though!

    Visit me at Spilled Milkshake

    P.S. Visiting from voiceBoks!

    ♥ xoxo

  2. I had to chuckle about the agony part. I do the same thing! I think about how I'll look in my suit, whether I look ragged or my hair looks bad, and everyone else has the same problem. Solidarity, I guess!
    Gina from vB

  3. It is nice to get away... and it's also nice to come home with fresh eyes - the little comforts of home become a tiny bit more special - it's worth going away just for that:)
    Thanks for sharing - always like to visit you here,

    PS. Since moving to the beach, I no longer do anything to my hair (except wash & brush it:). Less stress this way:)

  4. Isn't it funny sometimes that a vacation can seem more stressful than everyday life...oh the irony.

  5. You need a vacation from your vacation. Very well written and truly true post. Love it.

    Visiting from VB

  6. My first pediatrican told me that when you take your kids with you it is a change of location, not a vacation!! For the last few years we have done a stay-cation, we go on day trips and even eat out but not staying at a hotel is a lot less stressful and there is not packing!!! Glad you had a chance for a holiday though, it is always nice to get away, even if it just makes us appreicate home a bit more! Great to catch up with you via VoiceBoks!

  7. So very true! Vacations can be absolutely exhausting. I sort of go into a prolonging panic on vacation, because everything is so out of whack!
    I'm visiting from VoiceBoks. Blessings,

  8. So true...I just slept in my own bed last night after a mini vacation, and it was bliss. No mosquitos, perfect temp, the right amount of pillows, and just nice to be home:)
    Cheers from vB,

    P.S I also love my desktop over the travel laptop and no mouse.

  9. I agree with you! I always tell myself that I need a STAYcation after coming from a vacation :)
    Thanks for dropping by my site.
    Janie via vB

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!! Is it okay, if I use this at my Favourite for the week???!!
    I'm not waiting for your answer.. so it will be my favourite tomorrow!!
