"The Tightrope Walker"

"The Tightrope Walker" by Jean-Louis Forain

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kids Say and Do the Darnedest Things.

An extended edition of "Kids Say and Do the Darnedest Things".

Miss. Molly is in a roll this week with all these little gems:

"I not a lady, I a gurl!"

Me, "Can you place nicely?" Molly, "Me no place nice."

"I not a baby, I a little kid."

"This my Sophie, this my Mama, this me," when meeting friends in the school yard.

To the pizza man, "Thank you for pissa. I wear 'rina jammies." (Translation: "Thank you for the pizza. I'm wearing ballerina pajamas."

To the lady in the drugstore as we bought a package of pull-ups, "These my underwear."

And on and on it goes. Learning to talk is a wonderful thing!


  1. These are fabulous! Keep on keeping records... all too soon they grow out of these wonderful inaccuracies!

  2. so cute! my little one is talking up a storm too! and i can't help but stifle a laugh every single time! i love this age!

  3. It always seems that there is something charming, silly or excessively comical passing her lips. Worth recording it all.
