"The Tightrope Walker"

"The Tightrope Walker" by Jean-Louis Forain

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Small Successes

I've been at the gym now two to three times every week for the last 6 weeks.  My trainer is really great!  She has a great sense of humor and wants me to succeed - even if it hurts!  Finally, I have started to see some results.  I've only lost about 5 lbs, but I've lost 3% body fat which is a big deal because it means I'm building muscle and strength.  The most interesting changes are the ones that can't be measured.  For example, I have had to tilt my rearview mirror higher in the car.  I couldn't figure out why until I realized I was sitting straighter and taller.  A few people have also commented on my height.  I obviously haven't grown, but my posture is much improved.  I can carry Molly higher on hip and for longer distances before needing to switch sides or carry her with two arms.  I'm sleeping longer and better at night.  Although I still have a LOT of work to do I'm even noticing small changes in the shape of my body.  All very motivating and exciting!

The amazing part is that being physically active and going to the gym has never really been a part of my life, but suddenly it is just the norm.  Even Sophie asks me now if today is a gym day or if we are going for a walk.  Things are changing and to my surprise I like it.  I like being at the gym, working with the trainer and the sense of pride I feel as the weights get heavier and my strength improves.  I really was worried when I made this commitment that disaster was afoot, but these baby steps to success mean so much to me that by extension the process has become an enjoyable life line!  Who knew?  Me at the gym and enjoying it.  Maybe pigs can fly!

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