"The Tightrope Walker"

"The Tightrope Walker" by Jean-Louis Forain

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hump Day!

I have been holding off posting until I was feeling a little more like myself and a little less doom-and-gloom, as I'm sure you noticed in my last post. BUT, this has been one heck of a week and it is only Wednesday.

Yet again I'm trapped in the turmoil that ensues while my husband works the night shift. So far this week we have had a bloody nose, a burnt dinner, and I've got a sore throat that feels the way I think swallow razor blades might feel. Then comes today....

My girls have been playing nicely all day while I wallow in the misery of my sore throat, aching ears and pounding headache. Then the "witching hour" strikes. I never really understood what people meant when they said things about their kids getting worked up during the "witching hour" until I had children of my own. And, let me tell you the ghouls and goblins were out in full force at my house tonight!

I could tell when my oldest smashed the table with her fist and shrieked in anger because her eraser "wasn't working" properly that we were in for a bumpy, especially since it was only 3:30. From there it was all down hill. Running, voices getting louder, thunderstorm outside and all well I tried to get dinner started early. Next thing I know my youngest has bitten my oldest and even though I was already on my way to her rescue my oldest daughter decided that a little vigilante sibling retaliation was in order. Before I could scoop up the baby and direct her to a non-biting activity her sister hit her, and hit her hard, with a rubber-foam booster seat in the side of the head. Pure chaos followed while one cried in pain and the other (I'd like to think) in guilt.

So, what to do? Both were hurt by the other, both acted inappropriately, and now both are crying as loud as their lungs will allow. I obviously couldn't punish the little one because she is still too little to understand and I'm pretty sure the biting is due to an incoming molar. As for the oldest, I empathize because those baby teeth are sharp but she knows better than to hit. In the end I "faked" a time out for the little one while the older had a real time out, and then everyone kissed and hugged better. By the time everyone was feeling better I had left our homemade pizzas in the oven too long. Dinner was just a little burnt!

Here is where you should stop and note the time stamp on this post. That's right a little after 6pm. The youngest is in bed and the oldest is just finishing 30 minutes of TV time before bath and bed. With any luck my house will be quiet by 7pm and one more day will be done. Thank goodness for that!

Side note to my husband: If you happen to read this I hope you realize that you owe me at least one glass of wine, a quiet bubble bath all by myself, and at least one hour of silent reading, again all by myself. OR, a full weekend of Daddy-only diaper changes. Your choice! Love ya. ;-)

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