"The Tightrope Walker"

"The Tightrope Walker" by Jean-Louis Forain

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just another day?

Note:  I don't usually touch on topics like these, but it is hard not to today.

Just another day?  I don't think so!

A new government - yech!  Not looking forward to how life will evolve under this new government.  Feeling sad for families, youth, seniors and low-income workers.  The TV says its a majority, but since when is earning 40% of the vote a majority.  Last time I checked 4 out of 6 is a MINORITY.

A death.  If you read in the newspaper about someone being shot and dumped in the river you would call it murder.  If you read in the newspaper about a criminal being shot and dumped in the river you might shake your head and think eye for an eye, but still murder.  If you read in the newspaper about a terrorist, his son, wife and others being shot some say justice.  Really, justice?  Wrong is wrong, but more wrong doesn't make right.

To think a few days ago the media world celebrated a joyous wedding, but today the media world rejoices in a government elected by less than 40% of the voting population and the death of a terrorist.  What kind of a bizarre world do we live in?  Who has more power: us the viewer or them the media?

Just another day?  I guess so.

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