"The Tightrope Walker"

"The Tightrope Walker" by Jean-Louis Forain

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ABCs of Me

A - Adventurous, I am not!

B - Books, I can't live without them.

C - Can't ride a bicycle, its true.

D - Daughters, two of them.

E - Exercise.  I battle everyday to be active and to enjoy exercising, its getting easier but not easy yet.

F - Fall leaves, golden sunlight, cool nights, and cozy sweaters all make for my favourite time of year.

G - Girlfriends.  I couldn't get through the good, the bad and the ugly without them.

H - Hobby suggestions?  I need a new one.

I - Ice cream!  If the world didn't have ice cream I would be at least two sizes smaller.

J - JD is my high school sweetheart, best friend of 13 years and husband of 7.  Love you!

J, again - June, Molly's birth.

K - Kids.  All day.  School kids.  My kids.  All day there are kids!

L -  Libraries are really great places, but cracking the spine on a new book gives me butterflies.

M -  Movies and cuddles.  :-)

N - November, Sophie's birth.

O -  October, when we were married.  xoxo

P - Princess and pink, yech!  I'd trade pretty in pink, for beautiful in blue any day.

Q - Quiet.  I like the quiet.  I love quiet moments by myself.  Quiet solitude.

R -  Reading in my jammies, cuddled up in bed on a rainy day is my absolute favourite.

S -  Sadie isn't my real name, but it does have special memories and my real name does start with S.

T - Teaching is my second career, and even though I'm underemployed I'm loving every minute of it.

U - Understood, sometimes I feel misunderstood.

V - Vacation soon, please!?!?

W - Women who shower at the gym and take the time to put on socks and shoes, but nothing else before putting on their makeup or doing their hair are a mystery to me.  I know it is a women's change room and I'm not a prude, but why just your socks and shoes?  

X - Xenodochial, love the idea of paying it forward and try to in little ways.  Look it up, xenodochial!

Y - Young mom with lots of energy has always been my goal, and I think I've succeeded.

Z - Zoom is the sound of time speeding by as my babies become big girls.  I wish I couldn't hear that sound!


  1. I loved reading your ABCs! I am completely addicted to ice cream and my kids are zooming too. :)

  2. My 22-year-old daughter can't ride a bike either. This ABC thing is so fun! One of these days I'm just going to have to get that creative.

  3. Thanks for posting. I love your W! I have never seen that done at my gym though.

  4. Hi, I'm Laura! Nice reading your ABC's! I can't live without books either! I found your blog through Voice Boks Friends following friends.

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