"The Tightrope Walker"

"The Tightrope Walker" by Jean-Louis Forain

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Buggy Buggers II.

Of all the things to blog about, here I am writing a second edition about Sophie's bug bites.  They are so bad, but the itching finally seems to be subsiding.  We aren't seeing the doctor until next week so I've been documenting their various stages of itch with photos.

Sunday night.
Wednesday morning.

I know there is nothing else we can be doing for her, but I'm just hoping this doesn't mean bee allergies are next!  My poor 'Mosquito Bait' has actually worn long sleeves by choice until today and last night asked if she could have mittens because she  is trying so hard not to scratch.  Just one more thing to add to the list of unexpected parenting woes.


  1. Awww, poor thing! Those bites look pretty miserable, and what a trooper she is to voluntarily wear long sleeves (and mittens!) to keep from scratching.


  2. I get mosquito bites just like this exactly...allergic reaction! They can even give me fevers. The only relief finally comes when that vesicle forms at the top/center of the bite, and breaks. I got advice when I was younger, to put athlete's tape on the heads, which would draw all of that liquid up to the surface. I don't really know if the tape drew it up, or it just happened over time, but the tape covers, so you can't scratch, and it made me feel better. The only thing is that you get the sticky tape residue remaining all over. I don't use tape anymore, just because you learn to handle it better as you get older. Hope that helps!
    Cheers from vB,
    Thanks for coming by!

  3. Mandi - She has been a real trooper.

    Courtney - Thanks for the tip. We are hoping the doctor might have some solutions too. It's so hard to know when and how itchy they are...hard for her to verbalize. Guess we will see.

  4. Oh gosh!! Poor thing!! But how cute that she asked for mittens?!! Smart little girl!!

  5. Poor baby, and poor mommy, it is so hard when they get things and we can't take it away instanly!! Hopefully the doctor can give your something, they might be a predisone, they have done that sometime for my very algergic to everyting child. I think it is too cute that she asked for mittens. Is Benadryl helping with the itching?? My thoughts are with you both!!
